4 Chores You Need to Complete During Post Season Clean-Up

The snow season is just about to end. What are you going to do in the post season?

Hopefully, you’re planning on cleaning and fixing your trucks along with your other snow equipment.

In this blog, you’ll read four chores you need to complete in the post season clean-up.

1.   Clean Your Fleet

                                      PHOTO COURTESY OF LUDWIG’S EQUIPMENT, PA

Your trucks take a beating every winter. Salt spray, braking hard, and the cold temperatures all play a part in wearing them down.

Use the post season to check your fleet’s tires, hoses, fan belts and oil filters. Also, power wash your trucks and get into those tight spaces where salt and dirt cake. Give your fleet a wax too.

Also, inspect your trucks to make sure everything is in good working order before you store them for the summer.

At the same time, check your fleet’s brakes and rotors to see if they need to be repaired or replaced. The post season is an excellent time to repair these issues.

Some snow management companies even turn on their trucks every few months to make sure that the fleet doesn’t stay idle for the entire off season.

Read more post season tips in this blog post.

2.   Invest in Digital Tracking

If you have a large fleet of trucks and a lot of snow equipment for the clients you serve, then consider digital tracking. Each vehicle and piece of equipment gets a barcode.

Asset management software helps you keep track of your company’s inventory.

You scan that code when you remove the equipment from storage to have it repaired and repainted. Then when you return it, you scan that item back into storage.

Access Panda is just one example of asset management software programs used to track vehicles and snow equipment.

All of your assets are stored in the cloud, and you can download an app to keep track of your equipment on your phone.

Use these five maintenance tips to protect your snow equipment from breaking down.

3.   Reuse the Old or Buy New Equipment?

As you know, your snow equipment and fleet won’t last forever. There is only so much repairing and replacing that you can do before it’s time to save your nickels and dimes by buying new equipment.

It’s better to make this decision before the next snow bomb hits your city. Use the off-season to look at your budget and decide if it’s time to buy new, or even lease new equipment.

4.   Save Money by Buying Your Salt in the Off Season

Now’s the time to look into different salt suppliers, dicker on prices and order your salt for the next snow season.

And yet, you need to make sure that you have the storage to hold your salt until winter. Use the seven to eight months between the white and green seasons to build or lease a storage facility.

End of the snow season gives you a breather from battling against harsh weather conditions. It’s also a great time to prepare for next winter’s snow season.

Use the post season to take care of your equipment and to save money. Then you can take a deep breath and relax because you know when the snow pushing season starts again that your equipment, salt storage and trucks are ready to roll.

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